Donna Baspaly - SFCA, NWWS
Donna Baspaly's art career spans forty years. Her work is represented in art galleries in British Columbia. She has written articles and has been published in several International magazines and art books including: 'Design and Composition Secrets of Professional Artists', 'Experimental Encyclopedia of Mixed-Media Artists in North America'; Nita Leland's, new revised 'Creative Artist’ and Jean Pederson’s book, ‘Mixed Media Painting Workshop’. The ' Somerset Studio Magazine'; 'International Artists Magazine, 'Artist's Magazine’, Her design is featured on the cover of a limited edition book.
Baspaly has exhibited in Japan, Australia, the United States and Canada and has earned many prestigious awards including the Silver MedaL, Bronze Medal and the Award of Excellence at the Federation of Canadian Artists' (FCA) Signature Medal Shows. Donna earned her Signature Status SFCA with the FCA. The Northwest Water Color Society (U.S.A.) has awarded her NWWS Signature Status.
In 2000 Donna was the Chairperson for the International AIM FOR ARTS exhibition earning her a lifetime membership with the FCA. Her designs have been featured in an exclusive line of signature bedding for the Daniadown Company. She is also a popular workshop instructor as well as a sought after juror. Donna is part of the FCA Standards Committee and was an annual juror for five years at the Pacific Rim International Miniature Art Contest held at the Pan Pacific Hotel.
Many pieces of her art have been purchased by corporate collectors and introduced to private homes by some of Vancouver's leading Interior designers. Canadian Art Prints has chosen images for prints and cards. She shows at the Kurbatoff Gallery, South Granville, Vancouver, B. C. Her private studio is in Qualicum, B.C.
"My personal growth is synonymous with my artwork. The process of creation forces me to reach deep inside myself and then expand as far outwardly as I am capable. With any subject, my goal is to express the higher self with honesty and integrity."
Associations and Professional Memberships
Inquiries regarding workshops, gallery representation, exhibitions, publications
Donna Baspaly, SFCA, NWWS:
Qualicum Beach Studio
Tel: 1-250-752-4799