2018 Active Members Exhibition

"Life in Color" by Katrin Aason "Piping Plover" by Joanne Abbott "Three" by Keith Andrews "Development - Demolition! II" by Jian Jun An "Momentary Connection" by Kathy Baker "Thelonious" by Sylvie Bart "Going Deep" by Ilka Bauer, AFCA "Contemplation" by Deanna Beaujot, AFCA "Meltwater" by Graham Bibby "Our Song" by Doris Biddle "Prophets" by Karen Blanchet "Nice Tie" by Cynthia Bonesky, AFCA "Side Street and Bikes" by Fred Braakman "Blowing in the Wind" by Marjorie Mae, SFCA "The Ship 'Morayshire'" by Dale D Byhre, SFCA "Adeline" by Laara Cassells "White Peony IV" by Kimberley Cook, AFCA "The Accomplice" by Kelly Corbett "Apple Blossom Tea" by Jane Crosby "Life Drawing Session" by Leo Cunanan, Jr. "Standing Tall in a Storm" by Meeta Dani "As She Turned I could see She was Dripping in Jewels" by Sheila Davis, SFCA "Milano" by David Denson "Winter Feed" by Carolynn Doan "Waiting for the Light at Niagara St." by Brian Eby "The Red Purse" by Duane Fast "Great Blue" by Pamela Furlong, AFCA "The Top Shelf, Country House" by Michael Gilmour "Shinny on Nita Lake" by Bea Gonzalez "Flower in a Bitter World I" by Yuki Goodman, AFCA "Memory of Essex, MA" by Marc Grandbois "Second Eagle in Afternoon Sun" by Robert Gunning ""Fading Light", Sea Island Reserve" by Steve Hepburn "Sunlit Glacier Above Lake O'Hara" by Georgina Hunt "Harmonious Gate" by Roger Jackson "Fractures" by Laila Jensen "Jedediah Island Jedi" by Julie Johnston, AFCA "Into the Blue" by Sheree Jones "Rue du Village" by David Kelavey "Rushing Waters, Kananaskis" by James Koll, SFCA "Evening Dusk, Assiniboine Forest - Series 3" by Tracey Kucheravy "Deep Bay Welcome" by Melanie Kuzminski "The Letter" by Jarrad Lajeunesse "Chocolate Cake" by Allyson MacBean, AFCA "Triplets" by Denise MacDonald "Mystery of the Model" by Kathleen Manning "It Can Be Tough at the Top" by Cindy Mawle "Birds Ate the Berries" by Jane McDougall, SFCA "East Meets West" by Candy McManiman "The Gathering" by Sue Miller, AFCA "Autumn Drive I, NB" by Patricia Morris "Rocky View" by Karen Oliver "Listening to Waves" by Rosalie Olson, AFCA "Nova Scotia Cabbages" by Catherine Patterson "After the Rain" by Andrey Pingachev, AFCA "West Coast Beach" by Christopher Potter "Lunchtime" by Shirley Rampton "Canyon Guide" by Steve Rayner, AFCA "Looking for Lorris" by Jo-Anne Revell "Pears and Currants" by Kathryn Ross "Joy in the Morning" by Judy Schafers, AFCA "Limestone Steeple" by Kathleen Schmalz "Milton" by Janice Sich "Born in the USSR" by Svetlana Simeons "Desert Bloom" by Cori Soles, AFCA "Family History" by Meghan Spence "Book Club Chair" by Barb Springer, AFCA "Third Beach" by Igor Staritsin "Black Fly" by Ron Straight "Treasure Found" by Daniel Strathdee "Saddle Off" by R E Swirsky (Ray), AFCA "At The Lake" by Laurie Thompson "Banjo Steering" by Roy Tibbits "On the Alouette" by Roxsane K Tiernan "Winter Evening" by Zenobia Turnbull "Afternoon in the Park" by Dan Varnals "Sunday Soup" by David Vegt "Fall From Grace" by Kristin Vignal "The Good Days" by Ilya Viryachev "Steely Expression" by Lucy Wallace "Two Speed" by Guy Wall "K1022" by Yehan Wang "blue. spring" by Zhihao Wang "Imagine # 65" by Ronnie Watt, AFCA "Air Museum 1" by Gordon Richard Wilson "Glenora in Fall" by Nancy D Wilson "Finn's Slough" by Viena Wroblewska "Still Life with Black Bottle" by Gennadiy Zhukov "This Side of heaven 11" by Elissa Anthony "Surfacing" by Jenn Ashton "A Spring Delight" by Mohammad Reza Atashzad "Capilano River Tapestry" by Elizabeth J Austin "A Golden Moment" by Rene Beerthuizen "sockeye sunrise" by Douglas Blackwell "Westcoast Splendour" by Jodie Blaney "Mystic Falls" by Sarah Boileau "Everyone's Home" by Cynthia Bonesky, AFCA "First Light" by Denis Bouvier "Patos Island Sentinel" by Heather Boyle, AFCA "Orange Begonias" by Lynne Bradford "Farmers fence" by Fred Cameron "Whisky Jack" by Laura Chandler "Effervescence" by Lee-Anne Chan, AFCA "Spring is Here" by Sunny Cho "Take Five" by Agnes Cornell "Empty Shell" by Tracey Costescu, SFCA "Awakening" by Caroline Dahlmanns "Breaking Bread" by Kathy Daley "Winged Victory" by Dione Dolan, AFCA "Island Sentinels " by Janice Evans "Warrior" by Helen Farina "Winter Light" by Laura Fauman "Hagia Sophia" by John Garfitt "Summer Day" by Victor Gligor "Paddler's View" by Gayle Goodrich "Blooming Blossoms" by Caroline Hallat "Y Organic Farm, Salt Spring Island, B.C." by Junichi Hashimoto, AFCA "Outburst" by Bonnie Helm-Northover, AFCA "Gold Dusts" by Jacky Hosford "Little Drummer Jaden" by Marlene Howell "Sailing away into my dreams" by Catherine Janusz "Shades of Pale" by Shakun Jhangiani "Sands of Time" by Renata Kerr, AFCA "The Dock That Ron Built" by Anita Klein "Vintage" by Gina Kling, AFCA "Enjoy The Day" by Georgia Krebs "On the Philosopher's Walk" by Jim Leggott "Salmon at play" by Verity Livingstone "Big Leaf Maples on the Cowichan" by Rory MacDonald, AFCA "The Blue Scottish Gate" by Judith Madsen "Morning Light" by Jacquie Manning "The Passage" by Bortolo Marolla "Police Car Moth on Fireweed" by Kathy Martin "Soaking up the Sun" by Cheryl McFadden, AFCA "Summer Pastures" by Elizabeth McLaren "Guajira" by Esmie Gayo McLaren "Red Rock Canyon" by Belinda McNeice "Old Town Summer, Northwest Territories" by Jessica McVicker "Summer in the Garden" by Sonia Mocnik "Awakening" by Martha Moore "Floating in Kelp Bed - Sea Otters" by Miki Morita "Trio with Small Roses" by Larisa Nikonova "BURT" by Antonia Olak "A Day In Cuba" by Sharyn Olfert "Aspen Road Snowfall" by Tony O'Regan "Old Friends" by Riitta Peirone "Still Water" by Cameron Lee Roberts "Who's There?" by Joan Rowan "Field of Sunshine" by Gina Rubin, AFCA "An Eagle" by Jamal Sabri "Little joys of life" by Parminder Singh "People of the Book" by Alina Smolyansky "Rainy Days and Mondays #2" by Bonnie Stebbings "Downtown Alley" by Marcela Strasdas "Pacific Morning" by Dominique Walker, SFCA "Tugs" by Nancy Wong "Chloris, O Daughter of Elysium" by Carling Wong-Renger "Momiji" by Evelyn Zuberbier
"Life in Color" by Katrin Aason

General Information

Life in Color
Katrin Aason
24" x 18"
Acrylic on Canvas/Woven
Instead of hiding behind different facades we should be proud and strong to show others who we really are, regardless of their opinion. Stay true to yourself.

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