About the FCA

Korean - 개요

About Us





The mission of the FCA is to advance the knowledge and appreciation of art and culture to all Canadians, offering education, exhibition and communication in the Visual Arts, and to support and promote emerging to professional member artists.

캐나다예술인연합회는예술과문화의대한지식의진보와가치를캐나다국민에게알리는데 소명을두고있습니다. 저희협회는시각예술을통한교육, 전시, 그리고소통을제공하고전문예술인들을  양성하며지원합니다.


The Federation Gallery

Currently the Federation is the only national-level visual arts organization that manages their own full-time art gallery. We host twenty-five exhibitions annually, bringing a new showcase of Canadian artwork to the public every two weeks. All artwork displayed in the gallery has been deemed to meet FCA standards by a jury panel of contemporary Canadian artists.


연합미술관은국가차원에서운영되는하나의전임시각예술기관입니다. 저희는매년 25개의전시와캐나다예술인의새로운작품을격주로주최하고있습니다. 모든예술작품은초청된현대캐나다예술인의심사기준을통해갤러리에전시됩니다.


Our History in Canada

The Federation of Canadian Artists (FCA) is a registered charity founded in 1941 by professional Canadian working artists including Group of Seven luminaries Lawren Harris, Arthur Lismer, and A.Y. Jackson. The first National Executive Council was led by Andre Bieler, and Lawren Harris was the BC region’s first Chairman. Other notable founding members included Emily Carr and the Honorable Mark Kearley.

The FCA continues to operate as a registered charity with members throughout Canada and Chapters in Alberta and British Columbia. The FCA is dedicated to raising artistic standards to greater heights with our educational workshops and our artists' sponsored gallery.


캐나다예술인연합회는 1941년에캐나다미술의개척화가 7명의그룹단원인로렌해리스, 아서리스머그리고에이와이잭슨전문예술인들의자선활동으로설립되었습니다. 앙드레비엘러그리고로렌해리스가 BC 산하의장을맡아전국집행위원회를이끌어나갔습니다. 또다른유명설립단원으로에밀리그리고명예회의임명된마크컬리가있습니다.


FCA (캐나다예술인연합회) 회원들과함께공인자선을국내적, 알버르타브리티시콜럼비아의챕터스와함께지속적으로운영하고있습니다. FCA교육세미나와협연미술관의후원을통해보다높은예술적가치를향상시키는데헌신하고있습니다.