"Louise in all Her Glory"

Item 9 of 64 in Edmonton Chapter: Spring Show 2022
"Louise in all Her Glory" by Joyce Boyer
Louise in all Her Glory
Joyce Boyer
36" x 48"
Mixed Media on Canvas
Lake Louise has always been a special spot for me. For many years I went on a ladies retreat and we always took the time to walk along the lake enjoying the majesty that was around us. It did not matter if it was raining, sunny and sometimes snowing, we hiked. The colours are so vibrant, the smells of pine filling the air and textures abound. Although I have seen so many seasons and weather along the lake, I am always inspired by the times that I saw the lake and mountain with the clear blue sky. I needed to capture the strength, power and the joy that it brings to my soul when I look at all God has made.

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