Call for Submission

Arrowsmith Chapter: Arrowsmith FCA Fall Exhibition

 Arrowsmith FCA Fall Exhibition


FCA Guidelines:

To enter this exhibition, you must be an Active or Signature member in good standing with the Federation of Canadian Artists in Vancouver and the hosting Chapter for 2023. Renew your Federation Membership at in your member portal, call 604-681-2740, or email You can also renew your Chapter membership at the same time.


Supporting members are not permitted to enter Chapter exhibitions.


Artwork that wins an award in any FCA exhibition may not be entered into any other Federation exhibition, except when the first exhibition was a Chapter exhibition and the following exhibition is a National Open Exhibition or an exhibition held at the Federation Gallery. 


If you have already successfully submitted artwork to an exhibition hosted by this Chapter, (the piece was included in some capacity, either live at a venue or in an online gallery), you cannot submit the same piece to a different exhibition hosted by the same Chapter, again.


Copyright and Standards


The following excerpt is taken from the Federation Policy Manual:

"7.1.5 While using photos as a reference for painting is a long-held accepted practice, making substantive use of stock imagery or photos taken by professional photographers is not permissible, even with their permission. Photographs by professional photographers are considered artworks in and of themselves. Reference photos must be taken by the artist themselves or provided to them by an amateur photographer with their express consent. Stock images may only be referred to for anatomical study and must be incidental to the completed artwork to be permissible".


While an artist may have paid a licensing fee or retrieved explicit written permission that places them on the right side of copyright laws, Federation Standards do not permit the use of stock photography or reference material from another artist - even with permission or paid licensing. 


Federation Standards are different than copyright laws, submitting artists must adhere to both to avoid being removed from the exhibition - if in doubt about the source material of your artwork - do not submit it.


You will need a username and password to log in. If you need assistance resetting this information please contact or by calling 604-681-2744.


Please watch the tutorial video here if you need assistance with your digital upload. Do not leave submitting until the last minute. We recommend submitting as early as possible, artists submitting at the last minute will not be able to receive the assistance they need. All entry fees are non-refundable.


You cannot edit or add to your number of entries once you have started your submission.


Chapter Show Submissions are subject to the general Federation of Canadian Artists Submission Requirements, found in the policy manual.

Member Type Required:
Members in the "Member" group of Arrowsmith FCA, "Exhibiting" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "AFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "SFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists
Cost to Submit:
Entry Cost: CAN$15.00
First item included with Entry Cost
Items 2-5: CAN$10.00 per item
Maximum Items:
Submission Dates:
Submission deadline has passed! (Sep 25 2023 11:59 pm PDT)
You cannot currently make an online submission.