Call for Submission

FCA Toronto: Spring Kaleidoscope

Toronto Sprin 2024
FCA Toronto will be holding its 2024 Spring Kaleidoscope Show at the Pazan Gallery in Mississauga, Ontario, May 9th to May 29th, 2024. (Gallery website: The gallery is open weekly from Tuesday through to Saturday from 11am to 5pm.

This live, juried exhibition is open to FCA Toronto artists who are Active or Signature Status members of the national FCA.

As the "Spring Kaleidoscope” title suggests, we invite artists to submit work in a variety of sizes and subject matter. Our host gallery is small so we request submissions under 40" x 30" in size so that we can exhibit as many of our artists' works as possible. Each Artist is allowed to submit 3 pieces of artwork, but only 2 will be selected to be shown in Gallery.

You must be a member in good standing of the national FCA and be affiliated with FCA Toronto in order to submit your work. If your artwork is deemed to be "qualifying" by the FCA jury, you will be eligible to receive a signature point.

Some key dates:
  • April 30 - May 7th: Artwork that needs to be shipped will be received in this timeframe.
  • May 8th: Take-in day, 12 - 3 pm.
  • May 9th: Exhibition opening
  • May 11: Open Reception, 1 - 4 pm
  • May 29th Exhibition closing and take-down day, 1 - 4 pm.
Artists are solely responsible for the cost of shipping and delivering their artwork to and from the gallery.  For this exhibition, our host gallery Pazan Gallery is willing to receive and store artwork that you need to ship to the gallery. It will also work with you to ship unsold artwork back home. Shipping and delivery instructions will be provided on the call for entry page on our website, https://www.
As with all our shows, this live exhibition will be accompanied by an online version hosted by FCA Toronto on its website.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the winning entries.  Details to be announced soon on our call for entry page. 

All artworks accepted into the exhibition must be for sale, be ready to hang, and be kept available for the duration of the show. Sales in person will be handled by Pazan Gallery and they will take 20% commission.  FCA Toronto will NOT be taking a commission for this show.

A full list of terms and conditions for this website can be found on our website, https://www.

Every artwork submitted must comply with the FCA's standard set of terms and conditions. As a reminder: Your submission must be originally conceived: your own concept, your own reference, your own drawing or your own painting created solely by yourself. Copyright infringement of any kind is unacceptable. It is unethical and against FCA policy for artists to submit work created from another person's drawing, painting, photograph or other artwork that is not solely their own. The FCA does not allow direct copies of stock images, historic photos, or of any reference for which you do not hold total copyright. Purchased reference material that transfers copyright to the artist is unacceptable. Artworks created in an instructional setting, including but not limited to workshops and art classes, are not considered original artwork. Digital apps and programs may be used for cropping your reference photos, etc., but no digital, mechanical, photo, or other transferring to the substrate of any kind is acceptable. You must draw and/or paint the image on your substrate yourself.

 Juried By:


Jennifer Heine, SFCA

Kato Rempel, SFCA

Juve Furtado, AFCA


General FCA Submission Guideline Links

FCA Standards 

Image Requirements

FCA Policy Manual


If you have already successfully submitted artwork to an exhibition hosted by this Chapter, (the piece was included in some capacity, either live at a venue or in an online gallery), you cannot submit the same piece to a different exhibition hosted by the same Chapter, again.


Copyright and Standards


The following excerpt is taken from the Federation Policy Manual:


7.1.5 "While using photos as a reference for painting is a long-held accepted practice, making substantive use of stock imagery or photos taken by professional photographers is not permissible, even with their permission. Photographs by professional photographers are considered artworks in and of themselves. Reference photos must be taken by the artist themselves or provided to them by an amateur photographer with their express consent. Stock images may only be referred to for anatomical study and must be incidental to the completed artwork to be permissible".


While an artist may have paid a licensing fee or retrieved explicit written permission that places them on the right side of copyright laws, Federation Standards do not permit the use of stock photography or reference material from another artist - even with permission or paid licensing. 


Federation Standards are different than copyright laws, submitting artists must adhere to both to avoid being removed from the exhibition - if in doubt about the source material of your artwork - do not submit it.


Member Type Required:
"Exhibiting" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "AFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "SFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists
Cost to Submit:
Entry Cost: CAN$25.00
Items 1-3: Included with Entry Cost
Maximum Items:
Submission Dates:
Submission deadline has passed! (Mar 22 2024 11:59 pm PDT)
You cannot currently make an online submission.