Call for Submission
Edmonton: Muse: An Inspired Exhibition
Edmonton Chapter Spring Show
May 24th, 25th & 26th, 2024
The Edmonton Chapter Spring Exhibition and Sale feature a wide range of juried artworks showcasing our chapter members. It is a qualifying show eligible towards signature status application. The exhibition is called Muse: an inspired exhibition. Please consider what inspired each piece you submit as we will be highlighting this in an interactive portion of our exhibition. Each exhibiting member is encouraged to sign up for a couple of shifts.
Exhibition Schedule:
February 1st, 2024: Entries open
April 19th, 2024: Entries close
May 23rd, 2024 – 5 pm until 9 pm: Delivery of artwork to: Ottewell Community League, 5920–93 A Ave, Edmonton, AB
May 24th, 2024 – 6 pm – 9 pm: First official day and Opening Reception. Award winners will be announced.
May 25th, 2024 – Exhibition hours 10 am – 5 pm
May 26th, 2024 – Exhibition hours 10 am – 5 pm
May 26th, 2024 – Tear Down: Artwork will be picked up by artists at the close of show.
All artwork must be signed out. Artists are responsible for collecting their artwork.
MEDIA: Acrylic, graphite, ink, mixed media, oil, pastel, pen, pencil, water media
All artwork must be signed and completely dry (no tacky surface).
Open to Active, AFCA, SFCA FCA Members of FCA Edmonton chapter. Artists must have renewed their membership for 2024.
PAINTING SIZE: All sizes permitted. Works on cradled wood panel or canvas must be at least 1.5” deep. Thinner depth submissions are eligible as long as they are framed or mounted.
STYLE: All styles are permitted
SUBJECT MATTER: Artists can submit artworks of all subject matter
PRESENTATION: Framed and unframed artwork are permitted for this call so long as the unframed artworks meet the minimum depth requirement (see “SIZE” above). Artists can submit unframed pieces that are adhered to cradled wood panel or gallery wrapped canvas. Artists are responsible for learning how to adhere paper to these supports. Edges of works on cradled wood panel or gallery wrapped canvas must be completely void of paint, or completely covered in a complimentary colour or be a continuation of the artwork. Raw canvas edges are not permitted. Staples must be on the back of gallery wrapped canvases.
While using photos as reference for painting is a long-held accepted practice, using stock imagery or photographs taken by professional photographers is not permissible in our organization, even with permission or paid licensing. The FCA will reject submitted artwork that appears to be in violation of copyright law. The FCA reserves the right to refuse entries that are not accurately represented by the digital photograph submitted for jury. All artwork must be signed by the artist. Members may not enter a piece that was the result of a workshop or class. Work that has shown in a previous Edmonton Chapter exhibition may not be submitted. Work that has won an award in an FCA Vancouver exhibition may not be submitted.
DELIVERY: Artworks are to be delivered to Ottewell Community League, 5920–93 A Ave, Edmonton, AB.
Artwork that does not sell may be picked up at the close of the show.
INSURANCE: The FCA does not provide insurance for artwork. Artists are responsible for arranging their own insurance.
JURY: Entries will be reviewed by two SFCA Members and one AFCA member. Please check the submission page for juror names. Images will be reviewed independently online by each juror. All artists will receive emailed notification of their results. Artists may not display artworks that have not been juried and may not send artworks unless they receive an acceptance email. Your submitted pieces will receive one of the following jury results:
Accepted – artwork has been chosen for exhibition online and in gallery
Declined – artwork was not chosen for exhibition at this time.
PRESENTATION REQUIREMENTS: All artwork must be properly labelled with the Name of the Artist and Title of the Artwork on the back. Works on paper must be finished to an archival standard and either framed or adhered to a gallery wrap canvas or cradle wood panel. No “teeth” fixtures or French cleats are permitted. We will not hang directly from frame, substrate or canvas on a nail or pin, or with tape. All substrates must be wired a third of the way down from the top with D-rings and plastic-coated picture hanging wire, regardless of size. Improperly wired works will incur at $20 wiring fee. All artworks must be ready-to-hang. If an artist is successful at jury and delivers a piece that clearly contravenes the Federation’s presentation requirements, their piece will be removed from the exhibition and returned to the artist at their expense, without refund of any associated submission fees. Works that arrive in disrepair will be fixed where possible, at the expense of the artist, or removed from the exhibition. Visit the “Member Resources” page at to see further requirements.
PRICING: Submitted artworks must be available for sale. Artworks submitted “Not for Sale” or “Sold” will be declined without refund. Please note our submission system appears to give the option of the availability of your pieces, it is a generic system used for all of our calls. So, while you can select alternative options, the only entries accepted for display will be those available for sale. Artists cannot change submitted prices at any time.
SALES: If a sale is made artists will be informed by phone or email. Artwork must be available for sale throughout the entire period of the exhibition. By submitting their artwork to this call the artist agrees the Federation will collect a commission at a rate of 35%. Payment of sold works will be made to the artist by cheque.
SUBMITTING INFORMATION: Images submitted to the online submission system that are blurry, poorly cropped, display a background/frame, were made in error, or are the wrong orientation will be declined without refund. When submitting online, crop your image to exclude visible edges of substrate. The description of your piece should be one to two sentences long, aiming to enhance a viewer’s interest in the artwork. This description will be printed on your gallery label so please proofread and spell check it. Artists cannot change details on their submission after the deadline for entries has passed. Attempts to change submitted information (including prices or sizes) after the deadline, or when the artist delivers will not be honoured. The artist is responsible for ensuring that the information provided at the time of submission is correct and spelled correctly.
HOW TO ENTER: This call is open to Active, AFCA and SFCA Members of the Federation Edmonton chapter only. Submissions are accepted online only at Artists must submit as early as possible to allow time for troubleshooting. If you require assistance, contact the Chapter Coordinator at no less than 3 days prior to the deadline. Artists submitting at the last minute may not be able to receive the assistance they need.
ENTRY FEES: are non-refundable and accepted in Canadian dollars only at $20 for your submission and first submitted image. Further submitted images are $10 per image. Artists can submit up to five images. If successful at jury, a minimum of one and a maximum of 3 images per artist will be displayed for the duration of the exhibition.
CONDITIONS: Submission of entry to this exhibition automatically constitutes the entrant’s acceptance of the guidelines and rules outlined in this booklet. Due to the volume of entries, the FCA and their jurors do not provide individual feedback on submissions. The juror’s decision is final, submissions to this exhibition declares your acceptance of their decision.
EXHIBITION SCHEDULE: Submissions open February 1st, 2024. Deadline for Submissions is April 19th, 2024. Applicants are informed of their result by April 30th, 2024 at the latest. Contact the FCA is you do not receive notice by this date. The artist is responsible for contacting the office if they do not receive notice.
DELIVERY WINDOW: Successful Artwork must be delivered on May 23rd, 2024 – 5pm until 9pm at the following address: Ottewell Community League, 5920–93 A Ave, Edmonton, AB
First item included with Entry Cost
Items 2-5: CAN$10.00 per item