Call for Submission

2024 Abstracted Exhibition



About The 2024 Abstracted Exhibition: 



Member call for artwork in the abstract and semi-abstract style. The First place prize award of $1,000 CA has been gifted by Federation artist Ann Zielinski, SFCA.


Ann generously donated a $10,000 gift to be issued as a $1,000 annual across the span of ten years to further promote and celebrate abstract art. Her kind contribution has ensured the Abstracted exhibition will be an annual exhibition feature in the Federation’s calendar, for years to come.


First Place: Ann Zielinski Award for Abstract Excellence

$1,000 CA

Second Place: Award in Title

Third Place: Award in Title

3 x Honourable Mention Awards in Title


Below is a PDF Call Booklet for this specific call.


Please read it in full before submitting, by submitting you agree to these terms, and submissions made in error will not be refunded.



Ann Zielinski SFCA 

Erik Vaartnou AFCA 

Myrtle-Anne Rempel SFCA 




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Members Only - Must be Logged In
Member Type Required:
"Exhibiting" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "AFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists, "SFCA" members of Federation of Canadian Artists
Cost to Submit:
Entry Cost: CAN$20.00
First item included with Entry Cost
Items 2-5: CAN$20.00 per item
Maximum Items:
Submission Dates:
Submission deadline has passed! (May 15 2024 11:59 pm PDT)
You cannot currently make an online submission.