Call for Submission
Victoria: Spring Show 2025
Visual art moves us and the works we create often inspire, provoke thought, bring joy and spark introspection. However, art is more than a product, it is an action. We are driven by a need to communicate with others, and the motivations and methods are as infinite as the ways we choose to express ourselves.
But what drives us and why? Are they social commentaries, a form of self-expression, an impression of a particular event? Or perhaps created to evoke a particular feeling or to encapsulate a brief moment in time? More specifically, what ignites your imagination, who/what inspires you to create?
With these prompts in mind, we invite you to show us how you capture the world. Our Spring, 2025 exhibition is open-themed and will feature two-dimensional pieces in multiple genres and styles – from the photo-realistic to the fully abstracted – in a variety of mediums as per established FCA guidelines.
Check the Victoria Chapter website for links to pertinent information.
Please note:
- This open-themed exhibition is juried and classed as a ‘Qualifying’ show for signature status, will showcase recent works by Exhibiting FCA, AFCA and SFCA members in good standing of the Victoria Chapter and may be hung salon style. It is in-house, at ArtSea, and online.
- Demo Artists & Exhibition Hosts: Be advised, there is an expectation that successful artists be willing to give a demo and/or be available to sit the gallery space for a minimum of one x 3-hour shift, either 10:00 - 1:00 or 1:00 - 4:00, while the show runs.
- FCA requirements re hanging standards must be followed – the link for which can be found on our Chapter website. Failure to do so will result in the work not being hung.
- Works may be framed BUT maximum size in either direction is 24 x 36 inches without frame.
- Works may be listed as “NFS / not for sale”.
- Location: ArtSea Gallery in Tulista Park, 9565 Fifth Street, Sidney, BC, V8L 3S8 – free parking available.
- Drop off (date and time): Thursday, April 17 between 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
- Bring signed contract – the link for which can be found on our Chapter website.
- Bring an updated Artist Biography/Statement.
- Fill out the Checklist re the readiness of your work to be shown.
- Pick up (date and time): Thursday, April 24 between 3:00pm - 5:00pm.
NB: ArtSea has no storage. Please be prepared to make alternative arrangements if you are unable to pick up work during this window. As per Vancouver exhibitions, uncollected work will be stored off site - artist’s own risk - at a cost of $20 per week.
Show details:
- Run dates: Friday, April 18 – Thursday, April 24
- Gallery hours: 10:00am – 4:00pm
- Reception: Saturday, April 19 from 4:00pm – 6:00pm
- Online Show hosted by Vancouver runs: Friday, April 18 – Thursday, May 1
- $150 - First prize
- $100 - Second prize
- $75 - Third prize
- $50 - Honourable Mentions (x three)
General FCA Submission Guideline Links
If you have already successfully submitted artwork to an exhibition hosted by this Chapter, (the piece was included in some capacity, either live at a venue or in an online gallery), you cannot submit the same piece to a different exhibition hosted by the same Chapter, again.
Copyright and Standards
The following excerpt is taken from the Federation Policy Manual:
7.1.5 "While using photos as a reference for painting is a long-held accepted practice, making substantive use of stock imagery or photos taken by professional photographers is not permissible, even with their permission. Photographs by professional photographers are considered artworks in and of themselves. Reference photos must be taken by the artist themselves or provided to them by an amateur photographer with their express consent. Stock images may only be referred to for anatomical study and must be incidental to the completed artwork to be permissible".
While an artist may have paid a licensing fee or retrieved explicit written permission that places them on the right side of copyright laws, Federation Standards do not permit the use of stock photography or reference material from another artist - even with permission or paid licensing.
Federation Standards are different than copyright laws, submitting artists must adhere to both to avoid being removed from the exhibition - if in doubt about the source material of your artwork - do not submit it.
First item included with Entry Cost
Item 2: CAN$15.00 per item