
Item 24 of 74 in 2019 Spotlight
"Exposed" by Monica Gewurz
Monica Gewurz
36" x 30"
mixed media on canvas
Won the 3rd Place Artist in the APERO’s international magazine September Issue “Gather” in 2018.
This mixed media painting is inspired by the myriad of fascinating formations, cracks, textures, colors and patterns that are everywhere evident on the earth's crust and rocks. These "beauty marks" result from natural geological activity and weathering over time, from the creation of the earth until today.

The "earth's beauty marks" range from the very faint and delicate, to the very deep and dark. They reflect Nature's most gentle, and most powerful forces which have sculpted our planet over time and are the focus of my continuous exploration of the texture of nature and patterns of light and wind as they move across water and rock surfaces.

Texture and light are two elements I incorporate into my work, with the aim of blurring the line between painting and sculpture, integrating natural and man-made materials, inviting the viewer to touch it. I apply multiple layers of paint and medium, each partially revealed, to confer a luminous quality to my paintings. The textures and layers of color provide a visual representation and expression of emotional complexity. This painting has real copper patinas

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