"Careful Footing"

Item 94 of 102 in 2020 Success!
"Careful Footing" by Thomas Yat-Kong Tai, AFCA
Careful Footing
Thomas Yat-Kong Tai, AFCA
22" x 28"
Oil on Canvas
A high mountain offers a perfect view of the city and instills children with a sense of awe and wonder. Climbing up to such a high vantage point requires strength, stamina, and careful footing, but the view from the top is worth the struggle. Once the peak is reached, the city seems to fall away, blending into a sea of tiny buildings, cars, and people. The young girl in the painting seems to be delighted with both the climb and the view, and she is jumping from rock to rock with confidence and ease. Conquering the climb has filled her with a sense of accomplishment and strength, and now that she is at the top, she can enjoy the fruit of her labours. The three images of her represent the climb, the goal, and the future, and all three are equally thrilled with the prospects laid out before them. This reminds the viewer to enjoy their own journey, no matter where they are on their own personal ascent.

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