"Ducks Dont Notice A Pandemic "

Item 46 of 87 in 2021 Active Member Exhibition
"Ducks Dont Notice A Pandemic " by Carla Maskall
Ducks Dont Notice A Pandemic
Carla Maskall
24" x 30"
Acrylic on Canvas
Not Available For Sale
In the first few months of Covid 19, when society as we knew it shutdown, many people turned to birdwatching. People suddenly had time to notice the outside world and sales of birdseed, birdwatching products and apps soared. The birds continued on with life migrating and being active while life for humans slowed. The continuation of the natural cycles of nature gave us hope and entertainment during a difficult time. This is a painting of a duck pond Delta‘s George C. Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary where one can always count on the be inspired and entertained by the ducks.
This piece will not be included in the physical exhibition on Granville Island but meets the quality standards of the FCA and is classified as, "Recognized Artwork."