"Snowy Marsh"

Item 104 of 119 in 2021 Landscapes Exhibition
"Snowy Marsh" by Irina Valentin
Snowy Marsh
Irina Valentin
30" x 40"
Acrylic on canvas
What many Canadians value the most about our winters is this very special crispy blue sky which reflects in the snow. This past winter I could not resist capturing the winter beauty of our nature after my walks at Valen's conservation park in Ontario. Variations of blues in the snow and smooth transitions of blues in the sky were in a pleasant contrast with warm yellow and brown colours of tall grass and fallen trees in this marsh. Dark line of the horizon was stretched further by triangle shapes of grass, creek and snow bank with long dark blue shadows, creating an interesting composition. Lines of vertical cedars and fallen logs were repeated in vertical lines of the tall grass, creating rhythm of patterns. Dramatic change of values in this winter scene further captured my attention. The texture of grass in contrast to the smoothness of the sky added to the emotional effect of beauty of our Canadian winter paradise. 
This piece will not be included in the physical exhibition on Granville Island but meets the quality standards of the FCA and is classified as, "Recognized Artwork."

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