"Zappa" by Brian Rombough
Brian Rombough
24" x 17" x 10"
Available for Sale
I was first introduced to the irreverence of Frank Zappa's genius when I was 14. Living in rural Ontario, his nonconformity and free-form improvisational music created consternation in my parents but filled my head with 'what was possible'. Many years later, grain deviations, inclusions, burls, and other unique properties of wood and stone have had a similar influence on me as listening to “Dirty Love”. These unique qualities are to be celebrated, not excluded. I endeavour to explore possibilities that the piece reveals rather than impose my will on its final shape. Obviously there is a vision, but the material will guide my direction.
When I discovered the cedar limb on the shoreline of Vancouver Island, its natural gramophone horn shape was somewhat present but required hours of shaping and sanding to reveal its final shape. Tung oil was applied which penetrates the wood, then hardens to form an impermeable layer. Adding the curly horns to where the natural limbs attached reflect Zappa's physical appearance, as well as, his innate ability to be 'prickly' in sound and message.
These epoxy putty horns have also inspired me to begin a series of pieces that can be touched. Enabling the public to have sensory control and interaction creates another level of understanding.