"Fig. 2.4 Viola nephrophylla - Northern Bog Violet"

Item 86 of 88 in 2021 Works on Paper
"Fig. 2.4 Viola nephrophylla - Northern Bog Violet" by Valerie Wiebe
Fig. 2.4 Viola nephrophylla - Northern Bog Violet
Valerie Wiebe
12" x 9.25"
Acrylic on Paper
The Northern Bog-Violet has an amazing symbiotic relationship with butterflies and ants. This violet has developed an array of tools to facilitate reproduction. Small lines on the bottom petal act like the markings on a runway, clearly indicating that butterflies should land "here." Small secondary flowers, low on the plant, never open, and can reproduce without pollination. The flowers turn their heads to the ground at night or when it is cloudy as a defense against rain and dew. Finally, the seeds of the violet have small protuberances of oils and sugars that attract ants. The ants collect the seeds to eat the sugars, thus scattering the violet seeds into the broader environment - ingenious.

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