"When Spring Takes Flight"

Item 61 of 91 in Bella!
"When Spring Takes Flight" by Kimberly Miller
When Spring Takes Flight
Kimberly Miller
22" x 22"
Watercolour on paper
Some of the most beautiful things in this world are the ones that can't last, and the fleeting moment of that beauty both makes our heart ache and makes it soar. This is the delicate nature of spring, when the alpine flowers burst forth in a breathtaking show of colour, leave us awestruck...and then fade into the deeper shadows of summer. There is a secret mountain glade not too far from my home that is magically transformed for a week or so when the avalanche lilies bloom. They do not last long, and those most fragile petals seem to float on the breeze like the most lovely of birds....and then they are gone.
Il sogno più bello.

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