"Treasures from my garden II"

Item 14 of 116 in On the Edge 2022
"Treasures from my garden II" by Doris Charest, AFCA
Treasures from my garden II
Doris Charest, AFCA
16" x 19"
Wood, resin, eggshells, found objects
Available for Sale
I often found unexpected bits of nature blown into my garden by the wind. This debris, broken bird eggs, bits of plants or insects, inspired a new idea. Combining them with the Japanese concept of kintsugi (repairing and repurposing broken objects by painting the imperfections with gold to make them precious again), I developed my sculptural piece, ‘Garden Treasures’.

The sculpture consists of three white wooden containers with broken eggshells filled with objects. Each egg contains a small, unnoticed element from my garden. Kintsugi is also a metaphor for embracing imperfections in life. Each imperfect element is now singled out