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Call for Submission
Materials Matter
Materials Matter Exhibition:
This exhibition highlights the resurgence of materiality in contemporary art, where artists use materials deliberately to evoke emotions and craft meaningful narratives. By embracing both traditional and unconventional substances, they challenge artistic conventions, pushing creative boundaries while engaging with tradition. Materiality serves as a bridge between physicality and deeper meaning, inviting viewers to reconsider perceptions and explore the beauty and complexity of everyday objects. Through innovative techniques and unexpected uses of materials, the artworks provoke thought, foster dialogue, and inspire new perspectives on art and the world around us.
This exhibition is in collaboration with the Langley Arts Council, a registered charitable organization that aims to advocate, educate, and proliferate the growth of arts and culture in the city and township of Langley.
About the Venue:
This exhibition will be featured at the Timms Community Center Walkway Gallery in Langley. This space is dedicated to local artists and the showcase of their work throughout the year on the walls leading into the Langley City Library, which is located on the first floor. With the focus on space, this walkway gallery - which normally is a transitional space to get from one space to another - is transformed with artworks that invite visitors to stop, look, and think, giving the mundane space renewed signifigance.
Example of the Walkway Gallery at the Timms Community Center
This is a non-qualifying call for submission.
🌟Artwork that has not previously been exhibited in our Granville Island gallery and the Langley Arts Council exhibitions.
🌟+6 weeks of Exhibition period
🌟No size limit as long as the artwork is lighter than 25lb
Below is a PDF Call Booklet for this specific call. The submission terms and requirements are slightly different due to the collaboration with LAC. Please read it in full before submitting, by submitting you agree to these terms, and submissions made in error will not be refunded.
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First item included with Entry Cost
Items 2-3: CAN$20.00 per item