"Golden Creatures: Zebra Stallion"

Item 99 of 227 in 2020 LIMITLESS
"Golden Creatures: Zebra Stallion" by Kindrie Grove, SFCA
Golden Creatures: Zebra Stallion
Kindrie Grove, SFCA
10" x 8"
oil on panel
This painting is part of my Golden Creatures series and features iridescent Renaissance gold paint in the background.

Zebras are one of my favourite creatures to paint and draw. I love how the light plays over their stripes and the way their stiff manes often cast unique shadows on the neck. The stripes give a perfect cross contour to describe the shape of their bodies.

This fellow is from one of my photographs taken in Etosha National Park in northern Namibia which has a gigantic pan, dry most of the year, except during the rainy season, when it fills with a shallow six to twelve inches of water. Even when dry, the heat shimmers and mirages make it seem as though there is water reflecting in the sun. Wildlife moving across its perfectly flat surface often seem to be walking on water.

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