2018 Bloom

"Tiger Lily Wabi-Sabi" by Kathleen Ainscough "Rose garden in Stanley Park." by Yoshisuke Araki, AFCA "Wild roses in somewhere of BC." by Yoshisuke Araki, AFCA ""For the Love of Moss"" by Heather E. S. Armstrong "Spring Pansies" by Mohammad Reza Atashzad "Lily White" by Elizabeth J Austin "Alabaster & Ivory Dahlia" by Shelley Bauer "Evening Glow" by Sue Bayley "Fall Harvest" by Sue Bayley "Bursting" by Kit Bell, AFCA "Growth (Triptych)" by Kit Bell, AFCA "Life on the Edge" by Sarah Boileau "Not One To Be Shy" by Heather Boyle, AFCA "Scarlet and Teal" by Dawne Brandel "Fall colours." by Fred Cameron "Heart On My Sleeve" by Jill Charuk "Strawberry Rhubarb" by Jill Charuk "Lilies and Light II" by Birgit Coath, AFCA "Sun Catcher" by Birgit Coath, AFCA "Heritage" by Kelly Corbett "West Coast Woodland" by Kelly Corbett "Flowers & Fish" by Caroline Dahlmanns "Lavender Dream" by Caroline Dahlmanns "The Garden" by Ken Dawes "PAPAVER  V" by Colleen J Dyson, AFCA "Pansies" by Janis Eaglesham "Haiku #6 Markings of Spring" by Janice Evans "Haiku # 7 Spring Renewal" by Janice Evans "Giverny Morning" by Margaret Farrar "Dances With Petals" by Angela Fehr "Freshness" by Victor Gligor "Birch Grove" by Peter Gutmanis, AFCA "October" by Peter Gutmanis, AFCA "Blooming Blossoms" by Caroline Hallat "Wildflowers" by Mariette Hebert ""Emerging Zinnias"" by Steve Hepburn "Climbing Poppies" by Laila Jensen "Lilies Galore" by Nadine Johnson, AFCA "Tulips For Easter" by Nadine Johnson, AFCA "Tugboat Arbutus Blooms" by Julie Johnston, AFCA "Tugboat Arbutus in Bloom" by Julie Johnston, AFCA "Bumble Bee Bouquet" by Anita Klein "Still Life with Oranges" by Anna Kopcok "Sunny Sunflowers " by Anna Kopcok "Forget-Me-Nots And Pansies" by Rose Marie Kossowan, AFCA "Pansy Frenzy 2" by Rose Marie Kossowan, AFCA "Last Hydrangea" by Margaret Lawther, AFCA "Amarantine" by William Liao "Too Gay" by Vivian Lochridge "Blues" by Claudia Lohmann, SFCA "Garden of Eden" by Helena Maizlin "Where The Wild Things Grow" by Anita McComas, AFCA "Three Ladies" by Sue Miller, AFCA "Summer Blooms" by Kerry Milligan "Bright Morning Light" by Sherry Mussio, AFCA "Late Bloomers" by Louise Nicholson, SFCA "Abundant Grace" by Rosalie Olson, AFCA "Delicate Balance" by Rosalie Olson, AFCA "Barley Rd." by Bob Pennycook "Lilac" by Andrey Pingachev, AFCA "Faded  Florals" by Myrtle-Anne Rempel, SFCA "For Sale, $5 a Jar" by Bev Robertson, AFCA "Sun- drenched" by Bev Robertson, AFCA "Baby Roses" by Janice Robertson, SFCA "In the Pink" by Janice Robertson, SFCA "Bougainvillea in Blossom" by Heidi Roy "Sun Flowers Among Friends" by Gina Rubin, AFCA "Garden Temptress" by Judy Schafers, AFCA "Fantasy Garden" by Victoria Scudamore "Calla Lily" by Alina Smolyansky "GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE" by Gabrielle Strauss "LE FLEURS DU PARIS" by Gabrielle Strauss "Floribunda" by Sandy Terry, SFCA "Celebration 3" by Gerry Thompson, SFCA "white flowers/black bottles" by Larry Tillyer, AFCA "Peonies" by Nadiya Tkachenko "Hocus Crocus" by Christine Tunnoch "Spring Tulips" by Ann Willsie, SFCA "Summer's Song II" by Ann Willsie, SFCA "Antique Peonies" by Grazyna Wolski, AFCA "Flowers in a Bucket" by Olya Wright, SFCA
"PAPAVER  V" by Colleen J Dyson, AFCA
Colleen J Dyson, AFCA
24" x 24"
oil on black gallery wrap

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